Friday, December 18, 2009

Over the years, our Christmas celebrations became a struggle between extravagance and simplicity (we added a child about every other year, had a limited amount to spend, and felt obligated to make Christmas a BIG deal). As a parent, it can be easy to grade the quality of the Christmas experience by the number of gifts under the tree. In past years, we would purchase items and hide them away until Christmas Eve, when we would hide in our room, sorting and wrapping all of the gifts. Inevitably, we would find that some child had too many or not enough and then, have to scramble to get more things. On Christmas morning, the children would tear through the giant pile. One year, there were so many gifts, our children got bored half way through and some of the gifts went unopened for days after.

In our recent move, our VERY LARGE and lovely tree arrived

incomplete. I didn't want another tree, but the kids needed a place to put their gifts, so we made a paper tree. We worked on it together and little by little we continue to make and place ornaments. I think it is the best tree that we have ever had.

Then, there comes the issue of gifts. How do we give our children the Christmas morning present frenzy that we grew up on, and can't bring ourselves to deny our children of, without going into debt to do it?

We have faced this crisis every Christmas, and every year, I dread it.

This year, my husband slayed my dragon for me. He is truly a hero!

The seminary clothing co-op is a God-send as well.

Don signed up the children for the "Marketplace"

Each of the children were given the opportunity to shop and choose a gift for each of their siblings, and for each of their parents. Six children, each choosing 7 gifts (5sibs+2parents) makes 42 presents under the tree - WooHoo! That's a lot. Don and I each chose a gift for each of the children as well (that's 6 more) up to 48. Then, they each chose a present for grandparents. The gift pile keeps growing....

I love that all of the gifts are already under the tree, I love to look at the pretty wrappings, and I get to enjoy them all for a couple of weeks, instead of just one day. We did buy one big gift for the family (something we likely would have purchased anyway), and Don convinced Gramma to give us one big family gift as well.

When we see all the gifts already wrapped and under the tree, it reminds us that there is plenty and that we do not need to shop for more.

I think this may be the first year that I am truly enjoying the Christmas season.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Family Photo

We don't have a lot of opportunities to get our photo taken together, usually one of us is holding the camera. So, it's a nice treat when someone else takes a photo of us all.
Here is a shot that our Pastor's wife Terry took of us - I think it's going up on the bulletin board with our names...
we're trying to learn all the names in the congregation, but I suppose it's work for them to remember all 8 of ours too...

So, in case you don't know us all
From left to right
Ethan (7), Jacob (3), Don, Tyler (9), Caitlin (11), Noah (11 months), Corinne, Summer (14)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Imaginary play

I love to watch the kids develop their own creative ways to show what they know (especially when it's stuff I didn't even teach them).

Today, when we had friends over, Summer wrote a script, Caitlin and her friend Elsie made costumes, and they performed their production for the other 8 kids who were here.

It was great fun for everyone!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Gramma J. took the boys to Science Central to celebrate Ethan's birthday.

The train exhibit was a big hit!

We also had a great time 'climbing the walls'

There were places to climb for everyone, even Mommy
Noah doesn't seem to sure about the wall climbing stuff.

Ethan helped Gramma make an upside down pineapple cake - he loves pineapple, but was concerned about having an upside down cake. It turned out pretty good though.

Here's a shot from the parking lot.

See the stacks up top?

It used to be a power plant.

Cool, eh.

This video is of the crazy room at Science Central. The kids walk in and all go crazy - they can't even stand up straight.

Here is a great clip from the water section at Science Central. Noah loved that he could play too.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ethan's Big 7 pumpkin pie & cool co-op stuff

November 22, 2009
Ethan turns 7 today

We ate pumpkin pie
It even had candles on it

The Clothing Co-op at the seminary has some really great stuff to choose from. We found the matching hat and gloves (Sponge Bob!) there. And, this Pixtar handheld toy with two games included.

We are so grateful for the generous donations that are made to the co-op. Without them, birthdays and Christmas would be much more difficult for us.

You can make a donation to the co-op at any time.
You can also purchase gift cards at the bookstore in Don's name to help cover the cost of textbooks, or you can donate directly to us by using the subscription button on this page.

Housecleaning gift for mom

I love these photos that Don took while I was in Michigan taking care of some issues with out rental house there. Everyone worked hard to make sure that I came home to a clean house. Here, Caitlin and Jacob are working together to wash the wall going up the stair that gets really dirty with eight sets of messy hands.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tyler's Cool Pirate Ship that he built from a kit he got for his birthday.

Crowded House

The kids are exaggerating a little...

The house we're renting is one third the size of the house we had in Reed City, but it's not quite this crowded.

All Dressed Up

I have to give credit to photographers who can take a group shot and have everyone look good.
After about twenty attempts, I decided this was the best one, since everyone at least looks natural.
Plus, Noah (the guy in the middle) has such a great smile that everyone else is just decoration.

Apple Pie Baking Contest and unit study too!

During the Johnny Appleseed festival, there was an apple pie baking contest. We were not able to participate this year, so we held one of our own.
1) We started out in the morning doing RESEARCH; each child had to find and EVALUATE apple recipes from several sources.
2) Once they selected their recipe, they each copied it onto a recipe card (this keeps the cookbook from getting messy and counts as HANDWRITING practice). It also ensures that they READ through the recipe completely.
3) Everyone searched for their needed ingredients, and made a shopping list. This required them to calculate (MATH) the total amounts needed for ingredients that were in more than one recipe. Example: There are 5 cups of flour in the bin; if I need two cups, then I don't need to buy any, but if we each need 2 cups, then we do need to buy some. (COOPERATION)
4) We drove to the grocery store with our list, and each child found the items that they would need, and considered how much would be spent on their recipe (HOME ECONOMICS). If I was to do a project like this again, I would have them find out the cost of every item in their recipe, and determine a cost per serving. (BUSINESS SKILLS/RESTAURANT MGNT.)
5) At home, they worked together COMPARING recipes to determine how to best use the oven (who needed the longest cooking time, highest temp., etc.) CITIZENSHIP
6) They each prepared their recipe, cooked their item and displayed it on a plate. (CREATIVE PRESENTATION)
7) When Dad came home, they presented their creations and had them judged (SPORTSMANSHIP) Summer made an apple cookie, Caitlin made traditional apple pie with a homemade crust, Tyler made apple cake, and Ethan made apple pancakes with homemade syrup.
In the end, Summer won most creative, since she altered a recipe she found and made her own version. Caitlin won most effort since she had to use two different recipes, one for the crust and one for the filling, plus she peeled enough apples for everyone. Tyler won best breakfast, since his bread went great with coffee. Ethan won best taste because the pancakes were good, but the syrup was outstanding!

This unit study was designed and shared by Corinne Johnson, homeschooling mom to 6, seminary wife to Don, and author of Vacation Education Books; unit studies for families who love Walt Disney World.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kitty-sitting Gwendolyn

I thought I'd better post a photo of Gwendolyn since she is going home today.

This is the kitty that Caitlin has been babysitting this weekend.
She has another cat coming over Thanksgiving that she volunteered to kitty-sit.

As you can see from this photo, Gwendolyn made herself right at home here.

Up an Coming Cub Scout

We LOVE the seminary co-op. There are always great finds that have been donated by people from churches all over. It is such a Blessing!
One of the big expenses of having children is affording uniforms, books, patches and other necessities that go along with their many activities.
Summer knows: She is paying for her own activities this year; $32 every 8 weeks for dance, $34 for Civil Air Patrol annual dues, $230 for camp, $170 for meals at the National Youth Gathering, and so on... it's a really good thing that she is such a great babysitter. She'll have lots of opportunities to earn money.
They boys don't have as many expenses, but they do have to have uniforms for Cub Scouts. Dad spent some time shopping at the co-op this morning and found a shirt (with some patches already on it), a neckerchief, a slide and hat. (about $30 worth of scout stuff).
Tyler and Ethan need these things this year, but here's a shot of Jacob trying out "the Cub Scout look"! He's our little up and coming Scout.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cub Scout field trip FW Air National Guard Base

Cub Scout Field Trip Photo Album

The above link will take you to a page on Facebook where I have posted several photos (with captions) from our trip to the Fort Wayne Air National Guard Base. I am really glad that I chaperoned since it was such a great trip.

Summer's first dance

November 7, 2009
Summer's first formal dance.

Summer has been taking ballroom dancing lessons at the dance school near our home.

The national ballroom dancing association hosts a dance once a month at the IPFW ballroom.

Many of the teens in CHAT (Christian Homeschool Association for Teens) also take these classes and attend the balls, so she will be there with several friends. Tonight is Summer's first chance to go. She has been looking forward to this night for the past month. She was able to get the dress from a donation at the clothing co-op at the seminary. This is certainly a part of life in Fort Wayne that we will miss.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

We are all enjoying our time with the church family at Immanuel Avilla (Don's field work church). Summer had a chance to go on an outing with the youth group there. She had a great time picking out the biggest pumpkin she could find, then she carried it all the way back to the wagon all by herself.
She also went through the haunted corn maze, but she did not like that very much. Next year, she plans to go to the pumpkin patch and skip the haunted stuff.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fort Wayne Children's Zoo October 2009

Here are a few shots from our day at the zoo. It closed on October 11th, and we made it just in time to use the passes that we were given.
Thanks Linda!

We thought it was kind of fun that the drinking fountain was inside the lions mouth. Ethan was afraid to take a drink, but his thirst finally won out.

"Everyone gather around, and I'll take your picture with the ugly monkey...
Okay, which one is the ugly monkey again?"

Hope you enjoyed these. If you are not already on our mailing list, please send us a message and let us know. We'd really like to keep in touch.
Also, remember that you can easily send us a couple of dollars at anytime using the safe and simple PayPal buttons on the bottom right hand section of this page.

Everyone (except mom and Noah) squeezed into this old fashioned telephone booth. When they picked up the phone, they got to talk to someone from Australia.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

our field work church, a new place to call home

This last Sunday was our first visit to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Avilla, Indiana. This is our field work assignment.

Here is a link to some history about the church.

Here is a link to the church website.

We've only had one Sunday to visit so far, but there seem to be a lot of great things going for this congregation. We felt very welcome there. There are some photos on the website, but maybe I'll remember to take some this weekend as well.
It is a bit hectic getting all 8 of us out the door for an 8:30 am Sunday school class. We can do it! But, it will take a small miracle for me to remember the camera too.

knitting for a military project seminary wives association

I am posting a photo of a scarf that I just made. I will be donating it next week, but wanted to post a picture of it first since I know that some of you would never believe it without seeing it.
It all started with some beautiful soft yarn that was donated to the co-op and then to our SWA (seminary wives association) knitting group (some crochet and that's okay!)
We are working together on scarves, hats and mittens for a military project. These items will be sent with a chaplain to be given to children in Iraq.
Since I am very much a beginner at this, I am still in the scarf category. I only have to knit one way, back and forth in a straight line, no turning, nothing fancy. Another week or two, and I might try a hat.
We meet once a week to visit and work together. It is a great time of fellowship, and going to a good cause as well.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Beaches are the Best

We were enjoying the pool that our landlord left behind, but put it away when the weather started to cool. The pit that had been created by the pool filled with water during the next several days of rain.
Now, it's hot again. We could get out the pool again in hopes that it stays hot for a few more weeks. But, we're from Michigan, where we never had a pool, but always had a beach.

So, this puddle of water, with a thick clay like bottom is just right for splashing in, cooling off, and making mud pies.

The Johnson Family welcomes you into our lives and home as we experience seminary life at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. Please use the buttons on this page to make donations directly to our family. Your generosity is helping to train the future leaders of the LCMS to spread and share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, here and abroad.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Orientation at CTSFW Friday Sept. 4, 2009

Here is a photo of just a small section of the beautiful campus here in Fort Wayne. In the background is the chapel, where the future pastors of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod will be gathering to fellowship and worship together.

Don is looking forward to much time spent here.

While Don was sitting in seminars and getting an
information overload...

Corinne and the kids played at the seminary playscape.
This Bible themed playground includes Daniels Den, Mount Sinai, and Noah's Ark.

There were a lot of vendors at the orientation, and many extra-curricular activities to sign up for.
There's the student choir, a basketball team, volunteer hours, and much more.

We don't have the time or energy to be part of everything, but Don did find a few things to sign up for.

So, it won't be all about the GREEK!

Don is checking out the bookstore and making a list. There are many required materials, but some really good-looking optional ones too.

Noah is helping him decide.

There is still much to do as classes are beginning on Tuesday, but we are getting settled here. We are extremely grateful for all the support that has come from our friends, family and brothers and sisters in Christ.
We were overwhelmed by the generosity of an anonymous donor who paid the garage for the repairs on our vehicle so that we once again have transportation.

We invite you to use the buttons on this website to make a one time donation, or to sign up to make a small monthly donation (just $10) each month.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I came upon this article a little while ago and thought it made for very interesting reading. I especially enjoyed the part on what makes an organization functional or disfunctional.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jacob's Birthday

There's not a lot of news to report here in Fort Wayne. Without a vehicle, there are not a lot of opportunities to see the town.

Yesterday was Jacob's 3rd birthday. We walked him over to the seminary to get a present from the co-op. We arrived just before they closed (they close at noon on Wednesdays and it takes short legs a long time to walk 1.5 miles). We didn't have a lot of time to shop, but were blessed to find a Little People video. Jacob was very excited to find this little treasure, as he has been watching his Little People Discovery video on an endless loop since we moved here. It is his favorite! Everyone was happy to find a new Little People video as we were all getting tired of the same old songs.

Summer has joined a local group called CHAT (Christian Homeschool Association for Teenagers), and has participated in a service event through the Salvation Army and gone to game night (we let her stay out until 11:30PM!). She will be attending a pool party with them this Friday. We are very appreciative of the other parents who have been willing to pick her up and bring her home. She is working on getting some babysitting jobs, so she can pay for ballroom dancing class this fall with the CHAT group. The class is being taught at a studio just outside our subdivision, so Summer can ride her bike there and not have to cross any busy streets!

Caitlin and Tyler are mailing their registration for Kevin Hildebrands Children's Choir today.

Since schools around here have already begun, the kids are seeing more and more children walking around the neighborhood in the afternoons. They must have been hiding inside during the summer because we only met a few, but now they are making many new friends right here in our neighborhood.

The seminary co-op has met a huge need for our family. It is estimated that a smaller family could meet about 75% of its food budget through the food co-op. Even though we are a large family, we have been able to stretch the items from the co-op and eat nutritiously without needing to get to a grocery store. (Don's dad did buy us pizza and milk when he was here, so I can't say it's been 100%, but nearly).
We encourage everyone to give to the co-op whenever possible as this is what keeps seminary families fed! Many people are blessed by it.

The SWA (Seminary Wives Association) has been a big help to Corinne as she struggles to adjust to this new community. They have helped with rides to the co-op and fellowship. She was even able to attend a knitting night at Starbucks thanks to some friendly ladies who invited her and picked her up.

Overall, it has been a challenge to live in a city without being able to go anywhere, but also a blessing that we don't NEED to go anywhere. We continue to rely on the Lord and know that He will provide transportation to us in His timing, and He will never leave us in need.

We invite you to subscribe to our mailing list; you can make a one time donation of any amount, or sign up to give $10 per month. Every little bit helps and we are grateful to all who have blessed us.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Van repair update

I just wanted to keep everyone posted on our vehicle situation. God has seen fit not to provide us with one just yet.
The repair shop called yesterday to inform us that the van is ready. We had known that it would cost $2400 to fix. We had two weeks to mull over this situation while they worked on it. We had decided (in our own wisdom) to use a credit card to pay the bill.
Our rationale was that we really need a vehicle; there are no churches within walking distance, we can't keeping hitching rides every time we need to travel more than a mile, or when we need to carry something, and we will have to travel to visit the churches that are supporting us.
We found out yesterday that two Michigan churches have adopted our family, and we are looking forward to learning more about them. We thank God for them.
But, we just begged everyone we know to give money so that we could move to Fort Wayne and get settled in. We were too proud to ask for more; to admit that we can not do this alone.
I hitched a ride to the garage where are van is located, got dropped off, ready to pay with credit, only to find out that they don't take Discover.
I had no other way to pay, and now, I was stuck there with no ride home.
The mechanic on duty took pity on me and drove me home, but the other problem still loomed. We need our van and don't have a way to pay for it.
But, we prayed and concluded that God was giving us a lesson in humility. We can not do this alone. We thought that once we arrived here, Don could get a job and he would take classes during the day, work evenings and weekends, and study when he could. This plan is highly UN-recommended. The course load and the hours required for study are so intense that to also carry the burden of full-time employment is too much for any man.
Summer has interviewed for two and taken on one babysitting job to help cover the cost of a few activities that she would like to participate in. I am learning to cook creatively so that we eat only what the food co-op provides. Don has applied for work study, scholarships, financial aid, and more. We are doing everything that we can, but if we could do it all ourselves then we wouldn't need God and we wouldn't need you.
So, as usual, God is teaching us something. It seems He is usually speaking to us, we just often fail to pay attention to what He is telling us.
We need to be patient, and wait on God to provide.
Today, Geri and Steve Johnson from Trinity Lutheran in Reed City came by the house and delivered many blessings, including five back packs filled with school supplies for the kids, yummy baked goods (which we don't get a lot of from the co-op), and a wonderful financial blessing raised during VBS week. We are very grateful and I am reminded: I will trust in God and His people, not in the credit card company to get us through this situation.
Corinne Johnson

Friday, August 14, 2009

Beating the Heat

Although there have been some challenges here at the seminary (like having no vehicle for the past week - it is difficult to walk or bike everywhere when the humidity is so high that you sweat just standing around).
We have been blessed by the seminary family that has rented us there home. Because they are on vicarage and plan to return in one year, they left many things here at the house for us to use; like the lawnmower, and their pool.
With no where to go, and the overwhelming heat, the kids have been spending a lot of time in the pool. It has been a huge blessing.

Monday, August 10, 2009

First Week Adventures

We arrived here without any glitches. Got the truck unloaded with help from the moving committee here. The house is just right for us.

Three families came to help us move in (that made for a total of 21 people – we love big families)

Two of the families that came are homeschoolers – YAY!

The day after we moved in, the people across the street put out a printer stand and entertainment center by the road –FREE! = just what we needed since we had limited space in the moving truck, and left many things behind. Here one day, and we’re already finding treasures in the trash!

Wednesday night we visited the local Lutheran church for their free dinner. A flyer was passed out inviting us to worship with “Pastor” Debra.

We visited St. Michaels church on Friday for their outdoor praise concert (this is the church where Jim and Anne’s son is the school principal). Everywhere we go, people know the Smiths. Even a random family in the park, said “Oh, Reed City. You probably know Jim and Anne Smith.” Or “My parents went to school with Jim” or “I just saw Jim at Kohls last Friday.”

On the way home from the concert, the van died on the side of highway 69. We were towed to a shop and just found out this morning that we will need $2400 in repairs and it will take at least a week.

So, we are homebound at least that long. The seminary is only 1.5 miles away, and we do have to cross one busy road (7 lanes of traffic), but we did walk over there the other day and it is not too bad.

The family that we are renting from left their pool for us to use – and it has been wonderful in the 98 degree and 90% humidity. The kids have been in the water more than out of it.

Please pray for the situation with the van. We still have a loan out on it, so we really have no choice but to get it fixed since we will owe the loan anyway and have no other means of transportation. We have also put our motorhome up for sale, and would appreciate prayers concerning that decision.

We are working on a fundraising newsletter that will go out this week!

Please pray about using the donation and subscription buttons on this page to help out with the many expenses associated with life at the seminary.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Amazing Generosity

I was completely awestruck by the generosity of our friends, family and neighbors over the weekend. We needed to raise funds to cover the cost of our move to Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. We were praying that we would raise enough to cover first month's rent (and other move-in costs), and maybe enough to pay for a moving truck and gas to get our stuff there. This little fundraiser (yard sale and bake sale) brought in all of that times three!
We are so blessed.
Our moving date is Sunday August 2nd. Eleven days to go.
Don said it perfectly on Saturday when we passed our original goal, "To think, a week ago, I was worried."
We have been struggling to trust that God will provide, struggling not to worry, and to think, we were worried... oh, us of little faith.
God is good, and so are His people.
Much thanks to all who volunteered their time, gave items to sell, baked delicious goodies, fed us over the weekend, bought delicious goodies, bought treasures at the sale, and to everyone who made a financial contribution - we are ever grateful. Our faith has grown because of all of you!
Corinne Johnson

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Subscription Option

A quick post to let everyone know that if you would like to support us on a monthly basis, there is that option available. Just click on the subscribe button and you can sign up for an automatic contribution of 10 dollars a month. If want to give just once that option is available for any amount on the donate button. All we are asking is that you pray about it and let the Holy Spirit guide you.
Thank You
In Christ

Monday, July 13, 2009

Vacation Education Products for any Donation!!!

Welcome to those of you who came here from our vacation education newsletter. We
are moving to Fort Wayne, IN on August 1st so I can attend Concordia Theological Seminary.
To raise money for this endeavor and to have to move less stuff we are giving away any of our products for a donation of any amount. If you have been interested in getting something before, now is the chance!! Just go to the right and bottom of this page and click the donation button and
enter any amount and we will ship your items to you. We are asking for a minimum donation of $5 dollars per item to at least cover the shipping, but it is really up to you what you want to give. All proceeds will go to help us cover the expenses of attending seminary. When you are set to donate, just leave us a personal message as to what products we can send to you. Thank You for whatever you can give.

Here is the website that tells all about the products we are offering.

Don Johnson

Monday, July 6, 2009

Today is the start of the journey

Well today is the first day of my journal about this path God has us on. I hope to update this regularly as time permits. We are going to try to include pictures of our adventures and sections for each of us to talk about what we are doing, about how we are doing it and how we are relying on God to make it all work out.