Sunday, April 25, 2010

Don's Got Issues

There are only two ways to get an Issues, Etc t-shirt.
You have to make a personal appearance or be chosen for sound byte of the week.
When Don went to visit the St. Louis campus, the guys all stopped by the station and introduced themselves on the air.

Smart Enough to Come In Out of The Rain

It's been raining for a couple of days and it's muggy, so I opened the back door to let in some fresh air. Noah walked right outside to play. A few minutes later, he came back in, soaking wet, but smiling.

Civil Air Patrol Open House

Rock Climbing at the YMCA

This Week at Seminary.

Click here for radio blog

This is a radio blog, remember to turn up the volume on your computer. Guys from Fort Wayne and St. Louis talk about the classes that they are taking and some of what they are learning during their time there.

It provides a great opportunity for your congregation to hear from some of the seminarians.