Friday, August 21, 2009

Van repair update

I just wanted to keep everyone posted on our vehicle situation. God has seen fit not to provide us with one just yet.
The repair shop called yesterday to inform us that the van is ready. We had known that it would cost $2400 to fix. We had two weeks to mull over this situation while they worked on it. We had decided (in our own wisdom) to use a credit card to pay the bill.
Our rationale was that we really need a vehicle; there are no churches within walking distance, we can't keeping hitching rides every time we need to travel more than a mile, or when we need to carry something, and we will have to travel to visit the churches that are supporting us.
We found out yesterday that two Michigan churches have adopted our family, and we are looking forward to learning more about them. We thank God for them.
But, we just begged everyone we know to give money so that we could move to Fort Wayne and get settled in. We were too proud to ask for more; to admit that we can not do this alone.
I hitched a ride to the garage where are van is located, got dropped off, ready to pay with credit, only to find out that they don't take Discover.
I had no other way to pay, and now, I was stuck there with no ride home.
The mechanic on duty took pity on me and drove me home, but the other problem still loomed. We need our van and don't have a way to pay for it.
But, we prayed and concluded that God was giving us a lesson in humility. We can not do this alone. We thought that once we arrived here, Don could get a job and he would take classes during the day, work evenings and weekends, and study when he could. This plan is highly UN-recommended. The course load and the hours required for study are so intense that to also carry the burden of full-time employment is too much for any man.
Summer has interviewed for two and taken on one babysitting job to help cover the cost of a few activities that she would like to participate in. I am learning to cook creatively so that we eat only what the food co-op provides. Don has applied for work study, scholarships, financial aid, and more. We are doing everything that we can, but if we could do it all ourselves then we wouldn't need God and we wouldn't need you.
So, as usual, God is teaching us something. It seems He is usually speaking to us, we just often fail to pay attention to what He is telling us.
We need to be patient, and wait on God to provide.
Today, Geri and Steve Johnson from Trinity Lutheran in Reed City came by the house and delivered many blessings, including five back packs filled with school supplies for the kids, yummy baked goods (which we don't get a lot of from the co-op), and a wonderful financial blessing raised during VBS week. We are very grateful and I am reminded: I will trust in God and His people, not in the credit card company to get us through this situation.
Corinne Johnson

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