Thursday, January 28, 2010

January Newsletter

January 2010 is nearly over and the Johnsons have been in Fort Wayne for 6 months now. If you are wondering about this months newsletter; we just didn't get one made this month. The days seem to be flying by and there is so much to do, and we're barely keeping up with this blog.
As we mentioned in the December news, Don is taking 18 credits this semester, so his time away from studying is very limited. The city of Fort Wayne offers many interesting activities, and we are constantly trying to find a balance between time at home and time on the run.
Corinne is taking an online class at IPFW called "Journalism: Reporting, Writing, and Editing" This class is a perfect match for her interests and has her running around town covering events. She is also taking a Visual Communication (aka Photo-Journalism) class at the college, and that one has her running all over taking pictures of the news. This coming Saturday, the entire family will be attending the Fort Wayne Pro-Life Rally so that mom can 'report' on it. Well, everyone except Summer as she will be on a youth group trip this weekend.
We have started to inquire about houses that might be for rent next year, and we've even begun packing up some things (mostly books that we want to keep, but won't be reading in the next few months).
We are rewriting the business plan for our Ebay store, as Ebay presents a new fee schedule to begin in March.
We still struggle to find and keep good renters in our Scottville property, and are now offering it for rent with an option to buy. We are hoping to have it sold by the time Don is finished with his studies at CTSFW.
Fort Wayne has been particularly cold recently - it is physically painful to go outside. We've been trying to stay inside, but there are some things worth going out for. Like the kids singing in chapel this morning. Of course, Don has to go out every day for class, but the rest of us are trying to stay in and stay warm.
Sorry we missed the print version of this letter this month, we'll try to do better in FEB. :)

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